Sentence formation and use of proper diction both are important in writing and come under writing skills of an author. Diction has its own place in writing. It is an accent, inflexion, intonation and speech-sound quality manifested by an individual speaker or writer. It separates good from bad writing. Proper diction is important to get the message across. According to an article, proper diction in writing follows three rules-
• Choice of the accurate and right word.
• Choice of the appropriate word according to context.
• Choice of reader’s/ listener’s understandable words easily.

Definitions of diction-
Diction can be defined as ‘style of speaking or writing, determined by choice of words by a speaker or a writer’.
Diction (Latin: dictionem (nom. dictio), “a saying, expression, word”
According to dictionary.com (Thesaurus.com), “Diction is a style of speaking or writing as dependent upon the choice of words.”
Aristotle, in the Poetics (20) states that, “Diction comprises of eight elements: Phoneme, Syllable, Conjunction, Connective, Noun, Verb, Inflection and Utterance.”
In simple words, “Diction is the choice, and use of words in speech or writing” or “Diction is the way and manner in which somebody pronounces different words”.

NOTE- Reasons behind to learn diction.
• To create correct phraseology and phrasing.
• To establish a narrative voice and tone.
• To establish the support to setting for the story.
• To pursue readers and entertain them with the correct choice of words.

Types of Diction-
Diction depends on the occasion and on the type of audiences. It reflects the character’s detail like age, background, profession etc. Types of diction depict the way of expressing different ideas. Types of Diction are as follows:
• Formal Diction
In formal diction, the language used is formal. This language contains polite and proper words that are descriptive. Conference Presentation, Business document, and legal papers are all prepared in formal language. Generally, formal diction is used in formal situations.
• Informal Diction
It is conversational and narrative language which is used in informal situations like talking to friends, personal mail, and letters, etc. Informal language is the relaxed language that we use in our daily life routine.
Neutral/ standard Diction
It refers to the level of diction employed, writing assignment at college level and newspaper. It maintains a professional tone but tries to avoid highly technical or specialized term as formal diction.
• Colloquial Diction
It refers to non- standard languages like regional. It is also known as an appropriate language to informal or conversational language and speech of writing. Example: anyhow, gotcha, stats, info, guys, etc.  
• Abstract Diction
The term abstract refers to ideas or concepts which are untouched by the writer. The writer uses words to express something intangible. The author does not experience this through his five senses.
• Concrete Diction
It is opposite of abstract diction. It uses those words which have a literal meaning and relate to things that appeal to the senses.
• Poetic Diction
It consists of lyrical words that relate to a poem creating a euphonious or harmonious sound.

Importance of Diction-
1) Diction conveys the author’s attitude, tone towards the topic.
2) It impacts on argument as well as the author’s credibility.
3) Show the strength of writing by ensuring the full range of meaning of the words that the writer has used.
4) Appropriate everywhere, whether academic writing, professional writing or business writing.
5) The writer’s tone can influence the reader’s response towards the writing.

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