When we talk about communication, traditionally two ways instantly click in our minds: oral and written. Written communication is more authentic and valuable to express one’s views and ideas, as per its characteristics. Writing is the way of communication, by which one can impress through his/ her thoughts, whatever he wants to express to others. 
The word ‘Writing Skills’ adds the word ‘Skills’ in writing, which means competence, expertise, and artistry. Writing is an art to express one’s views, thoughts through words, but skill is a competence which enables the reader to understand the words exactly in the same sense as written by the writer.
Writing skills are such expertise abilities that present the ideas and information in a nicely written format for others to understand them. It organizes the knowledge and beliefs in a convincing manner. To put the feelings and opinions, writing skills help the writer to impress with voice, tone, mannerism, and body language without presenting himself/ herself in front of readers. Writing is a way of representing the ideas into textual forms to convey a message to the audience whereas writing skills have the ability to convert thoughts into words using proper grammar, punctuation, and essential well-structured aspects of writing.

Meaning and Definition of Writing Skills-
Harmer (2001:79) says that writing is a form of communication to deliver thought or to express feeling through written form. It means that writing is a productive skill that expresses feelings through written communication.
Jonah (2006:14) argues that writing is a series of activities going on and involves several phases, the preparatory phase, and the content development and review, as well as revisions or improvements posts.
According to Gebhardt and Dawn Rodriguez (19891) Writing is one of the most important things you do in school. Good writing skills take a big part to determine the success, whether it writing a report, proposal or assignment in school.
Peter T. Daniels (1996) defines “Writing as a system of more or less permanent marks used to represent an utterance in such a way that it can be recovered more or less exactly without the intervention of the utterer.”
Lado (1971:272) says “Writing is a graphic representation of a language and information is conveyed through the written medium by the use of conventional graphemes.” 
Elbow (181:369) thinks of “Writing as a kind of ‘magic’ that can be performed by anyone who is involved in and believes in his tale”. So, the process of translating abstract ideas into a concrete form is the art of writing.”

Objectives of Writing Skill-
Writing skill includes the abilities to represent words using recorded signs.  Here, we discuss some objectives of writing skills:
• To encompass intellectual or thinking skill.
• To encompass physical skills or the performance of actions.
• To present the attitude and values in written form.
• To target group/ audience for achieving the objectives of writing.
• To convey the message and opinion in front of the audience without the presence of the writer.
• Outline opportunities and offer effective strategies and activities for developing audience.
• Access the area of learning by writing skills.
• Apply effective techniques by writing skills to maximize performance.
• Understanding of the importance of good writing skills, basic rules of writing skills.
• Perfecting the language used in each of these new forms.
• Understanding of reading matter and in the application of grammatical forms.

Characteristics of Writing Skills-
In good writing, it is most essential that writing should have to be presented in such a manner, readers can conceive the message the same as written. These characteristics can be seen in effective writing:
• Clarity and Focus: Effective writing refines the thoughts and ideas into simple and easily considerable by the reader. No chance is left to be messed up with the complex sentences.
• Grammatically Strong: Effective writing has a strong matter with the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and rules of writing.
• Well Structured: A well-structured writing is not only clear but presented in a way that could be logical and easily understood to the audience.
• Efficient Vocabulary: This is the most important tool in writing. Good writing includes this element and uses accurate word choices and well-crafted sentences.
• Stimulation for Readers: Good writing affects edacious audiences. It inspires those readers to read fondly.
• Having Mental Notes: Special mental notes come from continuous observation and editing. It brings a special touch in writing.
• Well Editing and Re-evaluating: A good writer edits, again and again, rewrites and marks the improvements in his work to get better and effective writing.

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