• Listening is receiving sounds through ears and identifying the speech sounds. Listening is the ability to pay attention and understand the communicated information and providing appropriate feedback. 
• Listening plays an important role in the process of communication and is a vital skill needed in every walk of life. 
• Active listening is where full concentration is paid to what the speaker is saying. Here there is a deep engagement with the speaker, and this is expressed through several verbal and non-verbal cues.
• Comprehensive listening, we pay attention to comprehend or understand the message delivered by the speaker. 
• Discriminative Listening is the basic form of listening, where much attention is not paid in interpreting the words. 
• Critical Listening is where the speaker listens, understands and evaluates the message by analysing it. 
• Appreciative listening is listening for pleasure or enjoyment. This is where the listener is active to information or facts which he is interested in.
• Sympathetic listening is listening with sympathy, showing involvement and attempting to show understanding, compassion and support. 
• Empathetic listening is where one tries to understand the problem of the other person by placing oneself in the shoes of the other. 
• A physical barrier is the environmental condition that acts as a barrier in the process of listening. This includes noise in any form or distance.

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