Descriptive Type Question-

a) In how many maximum days the application shall be transferred to the other Public Authority under section 6(3) of the Act.

b) Which section/sections of the RTI act are mainly deals with the grounds for exemption from disclosure of information?

c) What is the limitation period for filing first appeal?

d) What is the maximum strength of State Information Commissioners of the State Information Commission as per the RTI Act, 2005?

e) Name the organizations, exempted under Right to Information Act.

f) Describe first appeal.

g) Discuss the composition of Central Information Commission constituted under the RTI Act, 2005.

Objective Type Questions-

a)The PIO shall not … … …  or … … … or … … … the information.

b) Second appeal against the decision under sub-section (1) shall lie within … … … … … days.

c) The term of office of Central Information Commissioner is … … … … … … years.

Answer (Objective Type Question)-

[a] re-arrange, re-shape, create.          [b] 90             [c] 5 (Five)

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