In the early 1990s, the Right to Information movement was initiated by Aruna Roy in Rajasthan. The Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan successfully put an end to local corruption. A people's movement in a small dusty town in Rajasthan called Beawar, was a fight against corruption. This dharna went on for 44 days and ultimately resulted in the Right to Information Act in 2005, which now allows every citizen to get information and access government records.

Evolution of Information Law-

The Government of India set-up a ‘Working Group’ on the ‘Right to Information and Promotion of Open and Transparent Government’ in January 1997 headed by Mr. H. D. Shouri. The working group submitted its report and the draft Bill on Freedom of Information in May 1997. The various Ministries through which the Bill travelled took little interest in it. So, it got delayed for one reason or the other. The Press Council of India, the Press Institute of India, the ‘National Campaign for People’s Right to Information’ and the Forum for Right to Information through a unanimous resolution urged the Government of India to amend the proposed Bill, in February 2000.

The Government of India introduced the Freedom of Information Bill, 2000 in the Lok Sabha on 25th July, 2000. The Parliament passed it as the Freedom of Information Act 2002. However, the Act could not be brought into force as the date from which the Act could come into force, was not notified in the Official Gazette.

The United Progressive Alliance Government at the Centre set up a National Advisory Council to analyses the Freedom of Information Act 2002. The Council suggested some important changes. After considering the suggested changes, the Government decided to repeal the Freedom of Information Act 2002.  A new legislation, the Right to Information Act was enacted in 2005 to provide an effective framework for effectuating the right of information recognized under Article 19 (1)(a) of the Constitution of India.

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