Objective type questions-

a) The model that allows consumers to sell their assets is .....

b) E-commerce is the process of ..... and ..... good or services via electronic naturals.

c) E- commerce helps in marketing activities such as ....., .....

d) Good use G2B model in order to exchange information between ..... & .....

e) E-commerce is available just about everywhere and any time. This is brown as .....

f)  E-commerce allows people to purchase things online

g) Setting-up of E-commerce is captives than a physical Shop.

h) The model B2G is alternative to B2B model.

i)  Anyone with access to a computer, Internet connection, and a means to pay for purchased good or services can participate in E-commerce.

j) The model that involves companies doing business with each other, and the final customer is not involved is called G2B model.

Answers (objective type questions)

[a] C2C model [b] Selling, shifting [c] Fixation of price, R/P with customers [d] Business, good [e] Ubiquity[f] True [g] False [h] True [i] True [j] False

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