• Messages and important information can reach the world in no time which makes the process effective and cheap for suppliers and customers.
• An online store works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year or via an EDI system.
• The costs required to set up offices is very high in comparison with the cost of setting an e-commerce website which in turn can be integrated with less efforts.
• New market segments can be explored with the use of Internet.
• Business processes are automated and with increased efficiencies there is no need to re-key in orders into order entry system.
• Easy search of required quality product with wider choice range and no wastage of time.
• Easy Buying/selling of items with the use of Internet using a computer.
• Use of financial and legal services, medical advice etc. from proper portals.
• No need of personal visit and searching. Large variety of goods accessible easily without spending time and money.

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