Google Drive is a cloud-based capacity arrangement that permits you to save records on the web and access them anyplace from any cell phone, tablet, or PC. You can utilize Drive on your PC or cell phone to safely transfer records and alter them on the web. Drive likewise makes it simple for others to alter and team up on records.

Google Drive also gives you access to free web-based applications for creating documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more.

Why use Google Drive?

Google Drive is perhaps the most well known cloud storage administrations accessible today. On the off chance that you've never utilized a cloud-based capacity administration like Google Drive previously, pause for a minute to consider the upsides of keeping your documents on the web. Since records can be gotten to from any PC with an Internet association, Drive takes out the need to email or save a document to a USB drive. Furthermore, in light of the fact that Drive permits you to share records, working with others turns out to be a lot simpler.

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