Descriptive Type Questions-

1) How to get Google Account?

2) What are the different software tools available in Google Drive? Explain.

3) What is Google Docs?

4) What is a blogger? Explain.

5) Write the steps to use Google Slides?

Objective Type Questions-

a) If you already have a Google account, you can use the same account to access Google Docs. (True/False)

b) You can insert automatic page numbers for your document in the header or footer. (True/False)

c) Google Docs do not allow you to insert or upload images. (True/False)

d) A Google doc is most similar to.....................................

e) Inserting a header at the top of a page will make it appear on.......................

Answer (Objective Type Question)-

[a] True           [b] True          

[c] False          [d] Microsoft Word           [e] Every page

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