Computer network is a set of computers that are connected together for sharing information. The most common resource shared today is connection to the Internet. A computer network is a set of connected computers. Computers on a network are called nodes. Several computer can be connected together via cable usually (Ethernet cable) or wirelessly (through radio waves).

Computer Network Components-
Here are essential computer network components:

• Switches: Switches work as a controller which connects computers, printers, and other hardware devices to a network in a campus or a building. It allows devices on your network to communicate with each other as well as with other networks. It helps you to share resources and reduce the costing of any organization.
• Routers: Routers help you connect with multiple networks. It enables you to share a single internet connection with multiple devices and saves money. This networking component acts as a dispatcher allowing you to analyze data sent across a network. It automatically selects the best route for data to travel and send it on its way automatically selects the best route for data to travel and send it on its way.


• Servers: Servers are computers that hold shared programs, files, and a network operating system. Servers allow access to network resources to all the users of the network.
• Clients: Clients are computer devices that use the network as well as shared network resources. They are also users of the network, as they can send and receive requests from the server.
• Transmission Media: Transmission media is a carrier used to interconnect computers in a network, such as coaxial cable, twisted-pair wire, and optical fiber cable. It is also known as links, channels, or lines.
• Access points: Access points allow devices to connect to the wireless network without cables. A wireless network allows you to bring new devices and provides flexible support to mobile users.
• Shared Data: Shared data are data which is shared between the clients such as data files, printer access programs, and email.
• Network Interface Card: Network Interface card sends, receives data, and controls data flow between the computer and the network.
• Local Operating System: A local OS helps personal computers to access files, print to a local printer and uses one or more disk and CD drives are located on the computer.

Types of Network-

Local Area Network (LAN)-
• The full form of LAN is Local Area Network.
• IT is basically a group of networks that are connected together in a small area.
• Its setup is cheaper.


• It provides high security.
• Data is transferred at high speed.
• Example-building, school etc.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)-
• The full form of MAN is Metropolitan Area Network.
• It covers a region larger than covered by LAN.


• It is used to mean the interconnection of several local area networks by bridging them with backbone lines
• Example-large universities, cities, etc.

Wide Area Network (WAN)-
• The full form of WAN is Wide Area Network.


• It is bigger than the LAN.
• It extends over large areas like cities.
• Internet is one of the biggest WAN in the world.
• Examples-mobile broadband, private network.

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