Index is a 'point' or 'indicator'. For example, a book index is an index that helps the reader to find pages where various topics have been discussed. Identification is an important issue in filing. It is the process of determining the name, title or other caption where the text is placed. The reference is to the directory. The main purpose of the index is to prepare the location of the required files and documents. Index helps to search the location of any file or text.

The objectives of indexing are as follows:
• It helps in searching the location for files and documents.
• It provides quick identification of disconnect.
• It saves time and effort to access records.7
• It gives efficiency in the maintenance of records.
• It reduces the cost of running records management.

Types of Indexing-
 Indexing can be done in many ways as:

a) Vertical Card Index: Each title, document, or customer, is assigned a unique card where relevant information appears. Usually, they are categorized and arranged alphabetically. For example, in the library, two cards are prepared per book- one is arranged on the basis of the author and the other one based on the book. 


b) Strip Index: It contains a framework in which hard paper sketches are organized in such a way that they can be easily extracted and replaced. Each strap is dedicated to a single item. The frame can be hung on the wall or laid on a table in book form or even arranged in a flexible post that can be turned toward any part of the index.
c) Fixed Index: Instead of keeping a separate index, the index may be bound with the relevant document. Such an index usually appears at the end of the standard textbook in which the subject matter is arranged alphabetically and the page numbers are assigned according to each topic or sub-heading.
d) Loose-Leaf Index: It is another variation of the index of books. Single sheets are placed in metal pots or screws. Index prepared in these sheets. Whenever a new leaf is added, a book may be opened and a suitable sheet inserted. A bundle containing loose index sheets may be locked so that no pages can be accessed without proper authority.
e) Wheel or Rotary Index: Cards are arranged around a tire wheel. One wheel can hold up to 5000 cards. The card can be inserted or removed without interrupting the other cards. Entries can also be made to cards without removing the saddle.                                                                                                         f)  Bound Book Index: Index prepared in a book that is bound or labeled into paragraphs where the words or texts are inserted.

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