As a primary source of information, all records in the office need to be kept for future reference. Completion serves the purpose of keeping records in all offices. Documents and papers are filed and available on demand. Completion is the process of arranging the records in the correct order for easy access. Captioning can be defined as the process of editing and maintaining original records or copies, so that they can be easily found where they are needed. It involves the installation of documents in standard containers in a predetermined format so that any document can be obtained quickly and correctly when needed.

The main purposes of the filling process are to ensure proper ordering, proper storage and easy access to records. The active filing system is expected to have the following objectives:
• Cataloging and unifying records.
• To protect documents from loss or damage.
• Providing easy access to information without wasting time.
• Availability of past records to future business policy managers and agencies.

Functions of the filing system
The functions of the filing system are as follows:
• Storage of file covers or folders in cupboard-mounted cabinets.
• Issuance of files filed in any department.
• Transfers of papers no longer used from existing files to separate folders or box files for future use.
• Completion of letters and other documents after the action taken on the cover of the cardboard file or folders.
• Classification of documents on a predetermined basis.
• Disposal of no longer applicable old papers and records.

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