Managing external mail usually involves the following steps:

[1] Collection of outgoing mails: Usually, each department sends its letters to the email department for mailing. In some offices, a messenger from the post office travels at scheduled times to collect mail from various departments. The tray marked as 'outgoing mail' is kept in each department. All letters to be exported are placed in the tray and the messenger collects the email from that tray. Timely collection of outgoing mail improves the efficiency of the batch phase.

[2] Mail Entry: Maintain records of all the mail is the primary duty of the mail handling department Letters to be delivered locally by courier or by peon are recorded in the messenger book. Entries are placed in the Outgoing Mail Register or Dispatch Register.

[3] Creasing of the letter: The letter should be carefully folded and in the correct size. The texture should be precise and should not damage the solitude of the characters. They should be grouped into a minimum number of folders. When a windows envelope is used, the wrap should be done in such a way the address can be seen through a window. Standard envelopes should be used to accommodate letters. Before letters are placed in envelopes, you should take care:
• Write the number of letters in the envelope and in the letter, itself as listed in the dispatch register.
• Also, look at the entries as mentioned at the bottom left of the book.
• Add the enclosures with pins, tags, clips, or strings.
Nowadays, machines are used to wrap letters and place them in envelopes automatically.

[4] Preparation of envelopes: After wrapping, the letters are placed in the appropriate envelopes. A complete and correct address must be provided. Pin codes should be provided as they guarantee faster delivery. The address is written on the letter and the envelope must accompany the message. A windows envelope is used to prevent the rewriting of an address in an envelope. The address must be fully identifiable by hand or in writing. Speech machines can be used whenever needed. The envelopes should be sealed with a gum, paste or cello tape. The work is tedious but must be done with care. The sticker should not spread internally, as it can damage the content. Various mail categories, such as 'Book Post', 'Registered Post' should be mentioned over the envelope.

[5] Sorting, measuring and stamping: The envelope for the different mail categories should be arranged in phases. External mail is usually in two categories-(i) Domestic (ii) Outstation
The second category can be classified as standard postal mail, registered, speed, postal mail, foreign mail, under shipping certificate, Indian Airlines, Air India, sea mail, etc. The mail must be typed in separate ports so that the stamp function is enabled. Stamps should be posted on postage. It is necessary to measure the different articles that will be mailed to the appropriate number of stamps. A timely copy of the 'Post Office Guide' should be kept with the Dispatch clerk responsible for the postage stamps. In large organizations, filtering machines are used for treading. Letters to be sent by courier are included in the messenger or peon book and forwarded to the courier for distribution.

[6] Delivery: Finally, shipping and delivery of books must be organized. Regular mail is posted at the nearest post box from time to time. Special types of mail such as subscriptions and insurance, etc are sent by post separately.

Handling E-Mail-
Electronic mail or E-mail is the fastest and easiest way to send messages, data, graphics etc. over the Internet. You know that the Internet is a worldwide network of computers connected by satellite. To receive and send emails online you need to have an email address. E-mail are usually received and sent by the concerned authority. In the case of senior officials, the job is assigned to their assistant or secretary.
While sending emails, one must be very careful as it is not possible to correct the original message once it is forwarded. Another important thing is that a hard copy of the message must be kept on file as proof.

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