In any office environment, the office manager acts as the glue that holds a team together. While the duties of the position may vary depending on the specific line of work, a keen sense of leadership and the well-being of the team should guide the office manager’s mission. This role is absolutely crucial to the overall success of an office, which is why we’ve outlined six useful tips for office managers, working in any field, on how to be more successful at their job.

[1] Establish Goals for Your Team-
Establishing clear office goals will create a sense of purpose that drives your team forward and keeps them productive and motivated. Inspire your team members to create ambitious yet achievable personal goals that reflect their work values and benefit the rest of the workforce. The sense of fulfilment that comes with accomplishing a goal will motivate employees to continue excelling, and you’ll be able to better monitor their progress by knowing what exactly they are working toward.

[2] Communication is Key
It’s the office manager’s responsibility to unify a workplace, which means establishing straightforward and open communication between the members of your team. Ensure that they know their specific duties and give them constructive feedback when helpful or necessary. Teach your team members to clearly articulate their needs and actively listen to one another so that no one is in the dark about what is expected of them. There are many moving parts in any given office environment, and it’s the office manager’s responsibility to implement clear methods of communication to ensure those parts are working together productively.

[3] A Little Bit of Fun Goes a Long Way
No matter the kind of office environment you foster as a manager, you should always make room for occasional fun. Whether that means putting in extra effort to make the holiday party better than last year, setting aside weekly team bonding time, or a gesture as simple as implementing casual dress Fridays, keep in mind that happy employees are hardworking employees. Moreover, getting to know the members of your team outside of a work environment can strengthen personal relationships, in turn, benefit the workplace productivity.  

[4] Know Your Boundaries
While it’s crucial to show the members of your team a more candid side of your personality, it’s equally important to maintain boundaries separating your work life and personal life. You want to cultivate a comfortable work environment without blurring the lines of acceptable workplace conduct. Remind the people in your office that you are their friend, but not their best friend. 

[5] Be an Office Role Model
As the office manager, you should serve as a role model for the members of your team. At the end of the day, the only behaviour you can control is your own, which means it’s up to you to lead by example and embody the workplace values that you wish to see reflected throughout the office. Show them how far a little bit of positivity can go in boosting team morale or getting through a particularly hard day. Uplift and embolden your team when struggles arise and treat everyone with the respect they deserve. After enough time, your example will become the standard.

[6] Go the Extra Mile
Within the complex machine of an office, there are some things bound to fall through the cracks, and it should be the office manager who provides the extra hand. Show your team members that you are willing to make sacrifices that enrich the office environment and make their work lives more enjoyable. Stay late when there’s extra work that needs to get done, and if you can manage it, offer to take work off someone’s hands if you see they are drowning in deadlines. If you continue to go above and beyond, you should find that your team will gladly meet you halfway.

Qualities of a successful office manager-
• Leadership: A good office manager must possess the quality of leading the office staff rather than driving them. Although leadership ability is inherent, it can be developed by training and experience.
• Sound Judgment: Sound judgment is required under two circumstances (a) Whether the person whom the work is to be delegated and has the ability to do the work (b) In dealing with disciplinary matters with workers.
• Impartially: The office manager must treat his staff impartially in order to gain their confidence and respect.
• Shrewdness: This quality refers to the ability to deal with a situation and to take appropriate action.
• Courage: This implies backing the shrewdness by courage. He should not contradict his own judgment.
• Methodical: This quality implies the orderly performance of office work. He must organize the work of his staff systematically.
• Good Character: An office manager must stand firm to his decisions. However, firmness should not be taken to mean stubbornness.
• Forward Looking: An office manager must keep himself up to date in relation to office system, methods and techniques so as to improve the efficiency of the office.
• Personal Qualities: Personal qualities of an office manager are a combination of personal traits such as honesty, sincerely, initiative, self-discipline, punctuality, humorous, tact, persuasiveness and an attractive personality. 
• Professional interests: In addition to the usual knowledge in the field of office management, an office manager must also have interest in professional fields such as Management Science, Cost Accountancy, Financial Management, Secretarial Procedure, knowledge relating to law and so on. These professional interests make him become a wholesome office manager.

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