Elements of office management are termed as pillars of a building. If the pillars are strong, certainly, the building is also strong. Hence, efficient functioning of office management is based on the elements of office management. Following are the essential elements of office management.

a) Personnel: Office personnel are responsible for the official work within an organization. Generally, the selection and placement of office personnel is carried on by the office manager in small organizations. In large organization, staffing is carried out by the human resource management department. In both the case, the office work is to be performed by allocating the work to each individual according to their efficiency, guide the personnel to do the work with the help of means available in an office within a specified time and control the activities of office personnel. The office manager has to do all these activities.
b) Means: Means refers to tools used to perform office work. Means include pen, pencil, eraser, paper, ink, office forms, typewriter, computer, printer, calculator, etc. Adequate tools need to be supplied in an office and put them to the most efficient and economical use for achieving objectives.
c) Environment: The nature of business determines the environment of an office. The various office works have to be carried under a particular condition or environment. A work environment is created and maintained for the smooth performance of office work. It is the duty and responsibility of an office manager to bring suitable environment by adopting various procedures and practice.
d) Purpose: The office personnel must be aware of the purpose of work is and the impact of such work on other’s performance. The office manager teaches the purpose to office personnel. If not done, the economical and justifiable use of resources and the objectives of the organization cannot be realized.

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