Objective type questions-

a)  Who said, “Management is a multi-purpose organ that manages a business and manages managers and manages worker and work”?

[i] Henry Fayol                        [ii] Peter F Drucker

[iii] J. N. Schulze                      [iv] Koontz and O’Donnel

b)  Which of the following is true about management?

[i] Management is a system of authority           [ii] Management implies good leadership

[iii] Management is dynamic and not static      [iv] All of the above

c)  In what order do managers typically perform the managerial functions?

[i] organizing, planning, controlling, leading

[ii] organizing, leading, planning, controlling

[iii] planning, organizing, leading, controlling

[iv] planning, organizing, controlling, leading

d)  Which of the following is not a primary function of an office manager?

[i] Leadership                            [ii] Coordination

[iii] Dissemination                    [iv] Recruitment

e)  Which management function involves measuring results, comparing results to expectations, and taking corrective action?

[i] Planning        [ii] Organizing            [iii] Leading       [iv] Controlling

f)  Which management function involves setting goals, objectives and creating specific plans for completing them?

[i] Planning        [ii] Organizing            [iii] Controlling    [iv] Leading

g)  Which management principle states that each individual should report to only one boss in order to avoid conflict and/ or confusion?

[i] Division of command                       [ii] Chain of command

[iii] Unity of direction                           [iv] Unity of command

Descriptive type questions-

a) State and explain the functions of office management?

b) What do you understand by “Office Management”? Discuss the functions of the modern office.

c) Discuss the role of an office manager and the important qualities you think he should have?

d) Planning bridges the gap between the present and the future”. Explain?

e) Define office management and explain in detail its functions?

Answer (Objective type questions)

[a] ii                [b] iv               [c] iii               [d] iii               [e] iv   [f] I           [g] iv

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