• An office is generally understood to be a place where clerical work is performed and where all kinds of paperwork are done. 
• Office activities include processing incoming mail, processing outgoing mail, Dictation, Transcription, Typing, Printing, Copying, Filing Records retrieval, Records disposal and Communication.
• The functions of a modern office may be classified into two categories: Basic Office Functions and Administrative Management Functions.
• Basic office functions include receiving information, recording information, arranging information and giving information.
• Administrative Office Functions include Management functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, communicating, controlling, coordinating and motivating, public relations function, instituting office systems and routines, retention of records, safeguarding assets, form designing and control, stationery and supplies control, selection and purchase of office appliances, personnel functions and controlling office costs.
• An office is an important and indispensable part of every organization, big or small. The importance of the office to a business enterprise arises from the fact that a modern business cannot be managed efficiently without clerical assistance in some form or other. The office serves modern business as an information centre, as an intermediary, as a coordinator, as a service centre, as an administrative nerve centre, as a control centre. It is rightly said that “the office is to a business what the main spring is to a watch”.
• A paperless office is a concept in which usage of paper is greatly reduced or eliminated totally in an office environment. This is achieved by converting a document into digital form. According to the proponents, a paperless office is not only environmentally friendly, but also helps in boosting the productivity and efficiency of an office while also saving money and making work processes easier and more convenient as digital documents can be easily shared between users.

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