An office is primarily concerned with the collection and supply of information. Accurate and up-to-date information relating to the organization and other agencies affecting the organization is always required for taking decisions and formulating policies. Besides, office has assumed many other responsibilities, such as safeguarding assets, personnel management, and procurement of assets, etc. which are incidental to the primary function. Therefore, the functions of a modern office may be classified into two categories: [i] Basic functions [ii] Administrative functions.

Basic Functions
Basic functions are those functions of an office which need to be performed in all types of organizations. They are mainly related to receiving and giving of information. These basic functions are as follows:

• Collecting Information: The office receives or collects information about various activities of the organization. The information may be collected from internal or external sources. Internal sources may be employees and various departments of the organization. The external sources are customers, suppliers and government departments, etc. From internal sources, information may be received in the form of letters, circulars, reports, etc. and external sources provide information through letters, orders, invoices, inquiries, reports, questionnaires, etc. The executives of the organization may also collect information while visiting other organizations.

• Recording Information: The office keeps a record of information collected from various sources to make it readily available to the management. The information is kept in the form of correspondence, reports, statements, circulars, lists, charts, registers, books, etc. An office has to also maintain records as prescribed under law. The registered office of a company is required to maintain Register of Members under the Companies Act, 1956.

• Arranging, Analyzing and Processing the Information: The information collected in an office is generally not in the form to be used by the management. Therefore, facts and figures collected have to be arranged, processed, organized and analyzed to make them useful to the management. In this regard, financial statements, statistical statements, charts, lists, reports and summaries are prepared.

• Preserving Information: The information is properly sorted out and preserved in the most economic and scientific manner. Various types of equipment, filing cabinets, etc. are used for preserving records. Unnecessary and outdated records are destroyed to make space for new and valuable records.

• Supplying information: All accumulated and processed information is useless unless it is communicated. The office serves as a two-way channel for communication. On the one hand, it supplies the collected, recorded and processed information to the management. On the other hand, the policy decisions, guidelines and instructions issued by the management to the departments are also routed through the office. The information may be supplied verbally or in writing.

Administrative Functions- 
Administrative functions are in addition to the basic functions. Nevertheless, the office cannot hope to work smoothly without them. These relate to the tasks of protecting and safeguarding assets, maintaining and enhancing the operating efficiency, stationery control, choice and use of the office equipment’s and selection, training, placement, and remuneration of the personnel. The following functions are normally considered as administrative functions of an office:

• Management Functions: Various functions of management are also applicable to the management of office functions. Office work has to be planned, organized and executed according to the plan. Control is exercised to ensure the efficiency of operations in the office. Staffing, directing, communicating, co-ordination and motivating is also important for the management of offices. 

• Instituting Office Systems and Routines: An office has to develop systems and procedures for providing better services to other departments. Each phase of office work is carefully analyzed, and a proper procedure is developed for it. Proper sequencing of different tasks is necessary to ensure the continuous flow of work. 

• Procuring Stationery and Supplies: Adequate supply of quality office stationery is necessary for the efficient performance of office work. The office purchases standard quality paper, pens, ink and other stationery items, maintain the stock and issue them only on demand.

• Designing and Control of Office Forms: Use of standardized forms simplifies office operations. It is the responsibility of the office to design, standardize, provide and control the forms to be used in the office and other departments of the enterprise.

• Purchasing Office Equipment and Furniture: Efficient and economical performance of office work requires proper furniture, equipment and machines. The office has to arrange for the selection and purchase of these items from reliable suppliers. It also has to ensure timely availability of furniture, etc. to departments and employees and facilitate proper utilization, as well as arrange for maintenance, servicing and replacement according to needs.

• Safeguarding Assets: Different types of assets are maintained in an organization. The assets must be protected against damages and losses on account of fire, theft, etc. An efficient control system is exercised by the office to safeguard the assets.

• Personnel Management: The efficiency of office work depends very much on the employees. Their appointment, training, promotion, appraisal and welfare are the functions of the office. 

• Maintaining Public Relations: An organization depends on public reputation and goodwill for its existence and progress. Maintaining public relations is also the responsibility of the office. Most organizations have reception counters to greet and receive visitors to the organization.

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