Office is described as the nerve center of an organization. It has become an indispensable part of any business organization. Present-day office activities have expanded tremendously to keep pace with the rapid globalization. Modern offices organized on scientific principles with their techno-savvy office managers allow the sustenance of business amidst cut-throat competition.

In olden days, all jobs in the organization were mostly done by the proprietors. If work was more two or three more persons were appointed. They had to sit in small rooms and worked in a poorly lighted and congested place. There were no modern office amenities as of today; clerks were found copying letters tiresomely turning leather-bound registers. Typewriters had not come into general use, most of the office work had to be performed manually, and clerks would be found spending most of their time copying letters for dispatch to customers. All the internal and external communications were performed through human agency. The telephones and intercom systems were not generally in use. The proprietor of business would be found sitting in the office room and supervising the office work. He personally was responsible for dealing with customers and visitors. In the past, production was generally from a limited number of locally available raw materials, whereas marketing was in most cases confined to local markets. Businessmen were interested in maximizing profits through two important profit centres, i.e. production and marketing. A few decades ago, the office was defined as a place for clerical work within the four walls of a building.

Office activities have undergone profound changes in the last few decades. The world has witnessed spectacular advancements in the field of science, technology, industrialization, transport, communication, etc. In modern terms, office is viewed as a function. When it is taken as a function, it (Office) may direct, control and coordinate the office work wherever it is done and whosoever does it. Here it may be noted that in modern times, offices are developed on scientific principles, and their management and administration is in the hands of qualified and trained managerial staff.

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