YouTube tags are words and phrases that describe your video and provide more context to help people to find your content.
                                          Figure 11.7 Meta Tags

Why are YouTube tags important?
Your video’s title, thumbnail and description are more important pieces of metadata for your video’s discovery. These main pieces of information help viewers to decide which video they should watch.
“Tags can be useful if the content of your video is commonly misspelled. Otherwise, tags play a minimal role in your video’s discovery.”

How we add tags to our YouTube videos?
The process of adding YouTube tags to the videos is quite simple. We can add tags to each video no longer than 5 to 10 minutes. The steps are-
Step 1- Set your primary target keyword as the first tag.
Step 2- Add common, relevant keywords from top-ranking videos.
Step 3- Add relevant keywords with search volume.

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