YouTube platform provides users to create different types of channels. Anyone can create a video about any topic. Though it can be classified in following categories:

• ANIMATION: YouTubers can create entire animated stories using self-made digital images and dialogues. The youtubers publish short videos that each depicts a story. These videos include poems and comic stories for kids.
• BEAUTY: Beauty YouTubers are known for their expertise on the subjects of makeup and skincare routine. As trendsetters within the beauty industry, they often set a precedent for what brands and products will be most popular. Mostly beauty youtubers are self-taught and viewers values their skills and candid opinions about the latest beauty products.
• COMEDY: Comedy Youtubers are known for poking fun at everyday human problems, create original characters, skit and publish their content with the intention of making people laugh. They separate the content according the topic and top comedy youtubers are self-deprecating and have excellent observational skills.
• COOKING: Many YouTubers specialize in one specific cuisine or type of food. They teach viewers how to prepare meals through guided tutorials. Other creaters focus on easy to prepare meals, extravagant meals and healthy meals. They are an excellent source of new recipes.
• DAILY VLOGGERS: Daily vloggers are some of the most consistent creators on YouTube, publishing a video every day. They mainly use two camera angles to capture their daily life where one camera faces the outward and the other is selfie style. It includes two abilities to create a vlog that’s the ability to create a compelling storyline out of seemingly ordinary events and the ability to provide engaging, improvised commentary as they film. The best daily vloggers feel like close friends.
• DESIGN AND ART: Design/art YouTubers are those that create videos showcasing their art expertise and help others to improve their artistic skills. Creators within the group explore many different mediums, including traditional drawing, digital drawing, graphic design, and painting.
• DIY: DIY (Do It Yourself) YouTubers teach viewers how to make customized items instead of buying them ready-made. A DIY video might teach audiences how to embellish their jeans, decorate their phone case.
• FASHION: These YouTubers fit in the fashion category specialize in clothing and accessories. Fashion YouTubers create content in line with their personal style, such as classic, eclectic, or modern.
• GAMING: Gaming YouTubers are those that create content focused on video games. They help viewers improve their skills and provide entertainment to a gaming-focused audience. The video format most commonly produced by gaming YouTubers is the let’s play video. This is when a YouTuber records their screen while playing a video game and provides additional commentary.
• HEALTH AND FITNESS: These YouTubers detail their workout routines and diets for audiences in an effort to inspire others to lead a healthier lifestyle. Some post full-length workout videos that viewers can take with them to the gym or complete in the comfort in their own home. Others post short clips that guide viewers through quick workouts or new exercises.
• MUSIC AND DANCE: YouTube musicians, dancers, singers/songwriters, Choreographers comes under this category. Those who specialize in music usually publish either covers of popular songs, original compositions, or a combination of both. Creatives in dance often share choreographed routines and dance tutorials. YouTube has launched the careers of many stars and has become a destination for discovering new talent.
• PRANKS/CHALLENGES: YouTube creators that specialize in pranks and/or challenges shock and humor audiences. Prank YouTubers do so by tricking friends and bystanders. Challenge YouTubers attempt daring feats, like eating unusual foods. Prank/challenge videos are often the most watched and shared videos on YouTube. This kind of YouTuber publishes content that appeals to people of all ages and backgrounds.
• PRODUCT REVIEW: There is a clear trend, nowadays, for people to turn to the internet when they are considering making a purchase. They want to discover what other people think about products that interest them. These YouTubers specialize in the ratings, review, quality and everything about the product.
• SPORTS: YouTube hosts a collection of professional sports highlights, hilarious sports blunders, and even motivational sports videos. Creators within the sports category celebrate the topic of athletics, and either post videos focused on a specific sport or many.
• If a sports YouTuber focuses on a single sport, content might include product reviews and skill tutorials. Other channels incorporate multiple sports by guest starring professional athletes and performing trick shots and challenges.
• TECH: Technology YouTubers build their following on the basis of one subject: technology. Tech YouTubers also have a strong eye for detail. Their knowledge of technology allows them to compare new technology to previous models and make critical judgments on the value of upgrades.
• TRAVEL: As YouTube has grown the platform has become a hub for first-hand travel and adventure knowledge. Previously, individuals relied primarily on websites and books to plan vacations.travel YouTubers divide their content according to location or attraction. Depending on the creator they might present their travel experiences through highlight videos or through detailed vlogs.

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