• Update – Status updates and content that you post.
• Profile – Similar to a resume, you add information about you and your job history.
• Company Page – A place for businesses to include information about their business and create updates about their business and their industry.
• Mention – Just like Facebook and Twitter, you can mention others in your LinkedIn updates.
• Connection – An indicator that you and a person are connected to each other.
• 1st Level– Someone you are connected with on LinkedIn. You have either sent them a connection request or they have sent one to you.
• 2nd Level– Someone that is connected to one of your 1st level connections.
• 3rd Level– Someone that is connected to one of your 2nd level connections.
• Degrees – This shows you how you are connected to a person even if it’s through a number of people.
• Invitation – Invite someone to join your network and connect with you.
• Introduction – A way to introduce yourself to those you are not currently connected to.
• Groups – These can be public or private, and can be created by an individual or company. It allows users to come together and talk about a specific subject on one page.
• Network – Your connections which also includes the connections of your connections.
• Recommendation – A way to recommend a friend/colleague, based on their professional experience, to anyone who views their profile.
• Influencers – Key and influential people in your industry that can provide you with great content.
• LinkedIn Today – A source for all of your industry news in one place.

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