Descriptive Type Questions-
a) How to get more followers on Twitter?
b) Why one should create a Twitter account for his business? Explain in detail.
c) List the major benefits of Advertising business on Twitter.
d) What is a Hashtag on Twitter? Explain with an example.
e) Differentiate between a Direct message and a Reply?
f) What are the pros and cons of using Twitter for marketing?

Objective Type Questions-
a) You can use Direct Messaging for one-on-one private discussions. (True/False)
b) As of the final quarter of 2019, Twitter had 152 million every day dynamic clients around the world. (True/False)
c) Followers on Twitter are gained within one day after activating the account. (True/False)
d) Social Snap is a WordPress tool that includes a plugin for making your content more shareable. (True/False)
e) Amplify permits publicists to share constant TV content. (True/False)
f) ................................................. are private messages sent starting with one Twitter account then onto the next account
g) The .......................................... is used to denote usernames in Tweets.

Answer (Objective Type Question)-
[a] True [b] True [c] False [d] True 
[e] True [f] Direct Messages/ DM [g] @ sign  

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