• Hashtags (#)- The # symbol was created purely by Twitter users and is used for keywords or topics in Tweets.
• @ - The @ sign is used to denote usernames in Tweets: "Hello @twitter!" 
• Block - Blocking a Twitter account, will make it unable to follow you or add you to their Twitter lists, and you will not receive a notification if they mention you in a Tweet.
• DM - Direct Messages (or DMs) are private messages sent starting with one Twitter account then onto the next account(s). You can utilize Direct Messages for one-on-one private discussions, or between gatherings.
• Follow(s)- A follow is the consequence of somebody following your Twitter account. You can perceive the number of follows (or supporters) you have from your Twitter profile.
• Geolocation, Geotagging -Adding an area to your Tweet (geolocation or geotag) tells the individuals who see your Tweet where you were the point at which you posted that Tweet.
• Header photograph - Your picture that you transfer, which shows up at the top point of your profile.
• List - From your record, you can make a list of other Twitter accounts by theme or interest (e.g., a friend list, colleagues, famous people, competitors). list make a course of events of Tweets, which you can likewise stick to the top point of your Home timeline. We additionally make it simple to find new open Lists to follow!
• Retweet - Sharing of another account Tweet to the entirety of your devotees by clicking or tapping on the Retweet button.
• Trend - A Trend is a topic or hashtag decided algorithmically to be quite possibly the most well-known on Twitter at that point.

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