There are always advantages and disadvantages of the technology that you are using. Likewise, Twitter has its pros & cons.

Advantages of using Twitter for Business-
• Twitter provides you the target market and clients (those who are interested in your product). With Twitter, you can reach out to almost every corner of the planet.
• Twitter connects your customer on a personal level. A personal Direct Message is a good option for direct customer connection.
• Customer feedback is valuable for the company. Twitter provides an easy way to get feedback from your customer.
• Tracking and managing customer data is very easy on Twitter.
• The tweet sharing process can be completely automated. 
• Links are shortened automatically while sharing as tweets, so you can always structure the content effectively.
• Twitter enhances your e-business effectively. You can take orders, give offers, and promote your business on Twitter.

Disadvantages of using Twitter for Business-
• Big results are not seen as a fortnight. You have to be patient in the starting phase as it takes time to set up and gain followers.
• Users have a large number of (100’s or 1000’s) accounts to follow, If you tweet selectively or in small number then there is a chance that it will be missout by your potential customer.
• You have to be social media addictive in a way to manage your e-business account on Twitter. You have to check your Twitter account regularly to check and reply to tweets and messages of your customers. 
• Negative news travels quicker than positive ones so any slip-ups or controversies of your business will go at lightning speed on Twitter. You should rush to do harm control if this occurs.
• It is difficult to differentiate between trollers and followers. It is best to be become professional and ignore insult happens on social media. Always focus on the positive things and get away from negative ones quickly.

Hence, we can see that Twitter for Business has some positive advantages that make it a charming stage for brand building. It additionally has some particular hindrances which should be tackled to if the maximum capacity of what Twitter can do will be accomplished.

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