Short Answer type Questions
a) Write the brief history of Twitter.
b) What is a tweet? When should I tweet? 
c) What is #Hashtag? Explain. 
d) Explain how to change the privacy settings in twitter?
e) How do I create my own Twitter Page?

Multiple type Questions-
1. Whose idea was Twitter?
a) Biz Stone                              b) Evan Williams
c) Jack Dorsey                          d) Ivan Zokowich
2. What would you see if you visit twitter while the service is down?
a) Nothing                                                 b) The Tweeties
c) A 404 file not found message           d) The Fail Whale
3. Which social network does not provide users with selfie filters?
a) Twitter                                b) Facebook
c) LinkedIn                              d) None of the Above
4. Which of the following count toward twitter’s 140-character limit?
a) #HashTag                          b) Photo/Audio/Video
c) List                                      d) None of the above

Terminal Question-
a) How to make a Twitter account? Explain.
b) How to follow and unfollow someone on Twitter?
c) How to create, edit, and delete a tweet on Twitter?
d) How to deactivate a Twitter account.
e) What should my profile include?
f) How to change my Twitter password?

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