Since its debut in 2006, Twitter has quickly become one of the most popular social media networks. Twitter is an invention of programmers Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams and Biz Stone looking for a way to send text to their mobile phones and a way to re-establish a moribund company at podcasting company Odeo Inc. in San Francisco. On March 21, 2006, Jack sent the first tweet: "Just setting your twittr." and thus a communication revolution was born, brevity and a renowned for poor spelling. In the tweet 38, Dom Sagulla wrote; type the words of these presentations: "Oh, this is addictive."

Twitter was a name shared by Flickr, a photo-sharing service. Other names considered: Friendstalker and Dodgeball. Twitter's definition of the dictionary is "a brief description of indiscriminate information." Today there are approximately 200 million users worldwide. Around 460,000 new Twitter accounts are opened every day. More than 140 million tweets are sent daily and one billion on weekly basis. In 2008, Twitter had eight employees; today it is over 400 and ever growing.

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