Shops are a simple path for you to make a computerized retail store across our group of applications. Your shop enables you to rouse your clients and help them discover the items that are ideal for them. Shops are easy to set up, consistent to utilize, load quicker contrasted with a versatile site, and are worldwide in scale.

For Whom and How Facebook Shop Works -
1) Venders who recently had an Instagram profile shop and additionally Facebook Page shop will be incited to change over to shops. Before setting up your shop, you will see an email or notification that you would now be able to utilize Facebook Shops. Organizations with a connected Facebook Page shop and Instagram profile might be qualified to have a shared customer across both Instagram and Facebook.
2) New vendors can make a shop in Commerce Manager. You can create a shop in Commerce Manager if you've not created an Instagram profile shop and/or Facebook Page shop,
3) You can make the collection to customize your shop and get more clients. You have to use the Commerce Manager to modify your shop and to make, organize, and redo your collection. Every collection will have a name, portrayal, cover media, and incorporate at any rate at least two items. You can coordinate items into the collection with a collection of topics that can help your clients discover items that are ideal for them.
4) Shops show your image and items in a local versatile encounter. After Publishing, clients will have the option to check and use it through the Facebook or Instagram application on Apple or Android gadgets.
5) Shops give a bound together presence on Facebook and Instagram. Shop customization highlights are brought together across the group of applications. This implies that if you have a shop that is available from both your Instagram profile and your Facebook Page.

Setting up Facebook Shop
Before starting shop on Facebook, you must-
• Have Business Manager admin
• Own your Facebook Page and catalogue in the same Business Manager
• Have Manage Page permissions for the Page and Manage catalogue permissions for the catalogue in Business Manager
Now for creating Shop follow the following steps
• Go to Create your shop page.
• select Create a shop and click Get Started.
• In the Assets section click + Create a shop.
• Set up your shop section, select Your website. Click Get Started.
• Select the business you'd like to add to your shop and Click Next.
• In the Account Details section, provide an account name and select a business account. Click Next.
• Select where you'd like to create your shop. If you have an Instagram business profile and a Facebook Page, you can select both.
• In the Catalogue section, select an existing catalogue or create a new one and click Next. You can only select one catalogue to use for your shop and you can't switch it later.
• Look over your shop details, review and agree to the Seller Performance and Accountability Policies, and click Create your shop.

Creation of your Shop is completed. Now you can:
• Create a collection - You can create collections of 6 to 30 products.
• Customize your shop – You can your collection and customize the look and feel of your shop.
• Publish your shop - People can see your shop within 24 hours.

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License 4.0

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