• Keyword research is a kind of practice by search engine optimization (SEO) professionals to find and research the “search terms”; that users enter into search engines when looking for products, services or general information on the web.
  •  Search keywords are the foundations of SEO.
  •  The objective of SEO is to help you to generate relevant traffic on your website which often leads to the generation of sales/services. Once you have successfully implemented the SEO strategies on your website then you can expect extremely high conversion rates.
  • The objective of keyword research is to generate, with good precision and recall, a large number of terms that are highly relevant yet non-obvious to the given input keyword.
  •  The optimization of the website can be done properly by creating the keyword targeted content.
  •  Online Reputation Management (ORM) is considered as one of the most challenging task of search engine optimization. This practice involves the optimization of pages on different domains. It uses various social media profiles, public relations, press releases, etc for this task.

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