A digital ecosystem consists of all hardware devices, program files, and data files that the user needs to process data. Digital ecosystems encompass both ICT services and digital infrastructures, and their interactions with their surroundings.

Software ecosystems are “a set of businesses functioning as a unit and interacting with a shared market for software and services, together with relationships among them.”

A variant of data-oriented ecosystems are content ecosystems - networks that deal with creation and sharing of artistic or intellectual artifacts.

It consists of a huge number of interconnected networks, computing and storage facilities owned and operated by a number of autonomous market actors.
A digital ecosystem is a distributed, flexible, adaptive, amenable socio-technical system with features of self-organization, self-operation, scalability and sustainability motivated by the concept of natural ecosystems.

Information ecology is a holistic study of information processing systems in the context of their surroundings by explicating patterns of, processes in and interrelationships between these systems and their components in the context of their environment.

Digital Business Ecosystem as a free, open source and distributed software platform, based on internet technologies, has enabled entrepreneurs specifically the small and medium entrepreneurs to create integrate and provide products and services more efficiently and more effectively.

A common platform strategy is to use public relations communications and the courts to delay, deny or to deflect public criticism. When confronted with proposed or implemented changes in laws aimed at curtailing platform practices, these companies highlight their commitments to public values.

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