Digital Business: A digital business sustainably integrates human resources and contemporary digital technologies to create value for the business and its customers.

Digital: Digital means showing information by using numbers.

Digital Technology: Digital technology uses digital code to transmit signals and information data between different devices.

Digital Commerce: Digital commerce goes beyond simple online transactions. It also includes research, development, marketing, servicing, selling and buying products for all devices and platforms including desktop, mobile/tablet, social networks, etc.

Business Model: A good business model explains how and why customers, suppliers, and complementors interact with the company through the digital interface.

Digital Marketing: Digital marketing is the process of integrating platforms and customers’ experience through a digital channel.

Physical Marketing: It is a conventional mode of marketing that helps reach out to a semi targeted audience with various offline advertising and promotional methods.

SEO: SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the process of getting traffic from the free search results on search engine.

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