Developing countries require further Internet access, exploring opportunities for the Internet in education, government and commerce. However, for these things to be achieved certain requirements need to exist where certain factors play an important role as-

[a] Trust- Johnson- George and Swap (1982: 1306) asserted that “willingness to take risks may be one of the few characteristics common to all trust situations.” Kee and Knox (1970) argued that to appropriately study trust there must be some meaningful incentives at stake and that the trustor must be cognizant of the risk involved. The definition of trust proposed in this research is the willingness of a party to be vulnerable to the actions of another party based on the expectation that the other will perform a particular action important to the trustor, irrespective of the ability to monitor or control that other party. It encourages more use of E-commerce technologies, makes the e-transaction process easier, enhances the level of acceptance and leads to the improvement of consumer commitment, raise customer satisfaction, introduces the concept of loyalty, sustains long-term relationships with customers and assists the acquiring of a competitive benefit. Trust is a complicated concept and has a multitude of sides to be addressed.

[b] Security, Fraud and Hacking- It is widely acknowledged by both government and industrial organizations that, from a consumer point of view, issues of information security are a major obstacle to the growth of E-commerce. The perception of risk regarding internet security has also been recognized as a concern for both experienced and inexperienced users of Internet technologies. Furthermore, Miyazaki and Fernandez have identified the fraudulent behavior by online retailers as a key concern for internet users. This happens because the online availability and accessibility of the stored data of many corporations gives any hacker on the Internet the chance to steal data from these corporate databases. These threats have been identified in several new studies. Dixit and Datta (2010) studied the acceptance of e-banking among adult customers in India. The findings depicted that many factors like security and privacy, trust, innovativeness, familiarity, and awareness level increase the acceptance of e-banking services among Indian customers.

[c] Awareness and Perceived Usefulness- Within the context of the information systems (IS) domain, much research has outlined the significance of the influence of perceived usefulness on attitude towards the use of e-commerce. The real reason why customers would use E-commerce is that they find it a useful facility for conducting shopping online. Furthermore, according to Sathye’s research, the use of online banking services, which is a good example of e-commerce, is new knowledge to many customers, and the lack of awareness of online banking is a crucial factor in preventing customers from adopting it, their results indicate that the important determinants of user acceptance of the e-government services are perceived useful, ease of use, compatibility, interpersonal influence, external influence, self-efficacy, facilitating conditions, attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, and intention to use e-government services/system.

[d] Accessibility- As the internet is fast becoming a major source of information and services, a well-designed e-commerce website has become essential so that citizens can access public information and improve their participation. E-commerce websites can serve as a tool for both communication and relations for the customers and general public. Information and data can easily be shared with and transferred to external stakeholder. Web accessibility as getting people to use, perceive, understand, direct and interact with the web. The International Standards Organizations (ISO) has defined accessibility as “the usability of a product, service, environment or facility by people with the widest range of capabilities”.

[e] Role of Government- The government’s role in developing countries as an important one that facilitates the essential requirements for the development of E-Commerce such as providing robust secure online payment options, ensuring a solid ICT infrastructure, providing educational programs and building up awareness using different means such as media and education institutions. The results of their study show the significance of government promotion and support as a crucial factor.

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