D-commerce is just like E-commerce, meant for selling and delivering digital goods online. D-commerce deals with only digital goods, not tangible goods or services. Digital commerce (D-commerce) is a type of e-commerce used by an organization that delivers and sells products online. In D-commerce, transaction and delivery of product or service both done are done online, there is no physical product which is delivered. D-commerce is considered a form of e-commerce because it deals with the exchange of electronic goods. Gartner, a leading technology research firm defines Digital Commerce as:
“The buying and selling of goods and services using internet, mobile networks and commerce infrastructure. It includes research and marketing activities that support these transactions, including the people, processes and technologies used to execute all touch points through the customer’s buying journey”.
Digital commerce goes beyond simple online transactions. It also includes research, development, marketing, servicing, selling and buying products for all devices and platforms including desktop, mobile/tablet, social networks, etc.

Some examples of Digital commerce include the marketing activities that support these transactions, including people, processes and technologies to execute the offering of development content, analytics, promotion, pricing, customer acquisition and retention, and customer experience at all touch points throughout the customer buying journey.

Differences between D-commerce and E-Commerce- Following are the apparent differences between D-commerce and E-Commerce:

  • Digital commerce products are non-tangible and in only digital formats to consume with digital devices.
  • Digital commerce products include eBooks, learning courses, photography; multimedia content like images, audios, & videos, digital assets, themes, templates, extensions, software, software components, digital arts, and software services like SaaS, web development, and mobile app development.
  • Digital product marketing is a low-risk online business and offers an easy refund, no return, and payment related issues.
  • Payment is always online and upfront/in-advance so free from various checkout and payment method related issues.
  • Marketing methods are differing a lot for D-commerce due to non-tangible nature of products and different targeted audience.
  • You can automate the selling process easily on D-commerce site and expand it to affiliate sites.
  • You can sell the same digital products repeatedly by providing a link to its cloud or online storage.
  • You can sell software or services with online delivery like shipping a source code for an online shop developed by software developers.
  • Software developers create products and upload on hosting platform or place in the marketplaces like websites and mobile apps.
  • Digital products have no issue of warehouse, inventory, and shipping management.
  • D-commerce products offer passive income, personal freedom, and lower-overhead expenditure.
  • D-commerce is free from product-related issues like perishing, damages, wear & tears, and other similar issues.

While Digital commerce is a form of e-commerce used by associations that deliver products online. It comprises of the activities of marketing that support transactions, processes, people and technologies to implement the offering of promotion, analytics, development content, pricing, customer achievement and retention, and consumer experience at all touch points throughout the process of procurement.

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