• MHRD- Ministry of Human Resource Development (govt. of India). 
• NMEICT-National Mission in Education through Information and Communication Technology. 
• UGC- University Grant Commission.
• KVS- Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan.
• NVS- Navodyaya Vidyalaya Sangthan.
• NIOS- National Institute of Open Schooling.
• NCERT- National Council for Educational Research and Training.
• NROER- National Repository of Open Educational Resources.
• NEAT- National Educational Alliance for Technology.
• AICTE- All India Council for technical Education.
• IRINS- India Research Information Network System.
• FOSSEE- Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Education.
• NDLI- National Digital Library of India.
• NISHTHA- National Initiative for School Heads' and Teachers' Holistic Advancement.

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