• MOOC – MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course. They typically include collection of many learning objects: video lectures, online readings, problem sets, quizzes, and student interaction. 
• SPOC – SPOC stands for a Small Private Online Course. In contrast to MOOCs, SPOCs represent a blended teaching approach that utilizes the power of online platforms in more intimate, traditional course settings.
• xMOOC - xMOOC stands for eXtended Massive Open Online Course. These MOOCs are based on traditional university courses. 
• cMOOC - The ‘c’ in cMOOC stands for connectivist, which represents the nature of cMOOCs. 
• Rather than being delivered by an individual instructor, as in traditional university courses, cMOOCs involve groups of people learning together.
• FutureLearn - FutureLearn is a platform developed by the UK’s Open University in 2012 that delivers MOOCs.
• Coursera - Coursera is a for-profit platform for online courses developed by Stanford University’s Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller.
• Udacity - Udacity is a for-profit organization developed by Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, and Mike Sokolsy that offers MOOCs.
• edX - edX is a platform for online learning that provides MOOCs. It was founded as a non-profit with open-source software in 2012 by MIT and Harvard University.
• Pedagogy – Pedagogy refers to the science of education, including the design of learning environments and study of their relative effectiveness. It is also used.
• VRM– Visitor Relationship Management.
• CMS- Content Management System.
• DMS– Data Management System.
• OGD- Open Government Data.
• NAD- National Academic Depository
• CDSL- Central Depository Services (India) Ltd.
• NITIE- National Institute of Industrial Engineering.
• NSDL- National Securities Depository Limited.
• NPTEL- National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning.
• SWAYAM- Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds. 
• NDLI- National Digital Library of India.
• JEE- Joint Entrance Examination.
• NCERT- National Council of Educational Research and Training. 
• IISER- Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research.
• IIIT- Indian Institute of Information Technology.
• IISc- Indian Institute of Science.
• IIT- Indian Institute of Technology.
• IIM- Indian Institute of Management.
• NIT- National Institute of Technology.

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