• Technology-Enabled Learning like MOOCs offers flexibility with options for learning the content. 
• In recent years, Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are one of the most popular trends in education. It represents open access, global, free, video-based instructional content, problem sets, and forums released through an online platform to a high volume of participants aiming to take a course or to be educated.
• The MOOC term firstly appeared in 2008 by Stephen Downes and George Siemens based on the 'connectivist' distributed peer learning model.
• A MOOC is an online course that requires no prior qualifications for entry, can be accessed by anyone who has an Internet connection, and includes large or very large numbers of learners.
• The central and dominant aim of education by ICT and MOOCs is to bring the world to the classroom, to make universally available the services of the finest teacher.
• The terms "cMOOC" and "xMOOC" were coined by Stephen Downes, co-creator of the first cMOOC, to hit the web. Launched in 2008, the course was called "Connectivism and Connective Knowledge."
• cMOOCs are based on the learning theory of Connectivism, which emphasizes the power of networking with other individuals, gleaning from diverse opinions, and focusing on end-goals as the foundation of learning.
• xMOOC stands for eXtended Massive Open Online Course. Instead of being structured as an open online community of learners, xMOOCs are based on a more traditional classroom structure.
• E-repository is a mechanism for managing and storing digital content. E-repositories or Digital repositories may include a wide range of content for a variety of purposes and users.
• A repository can support research, learning, and administrative processes.
• Repositories use open standards to ensure that the content they contain is accessible in that it can be searched and retrieved for later use. 
• E-repositories facilitates the development and sharing of digital teaching-learning materials and aids.
• E-repository can be a highly effective from institutions viewpoint and management strategy for achieving the e-learning goals of the institution. 
• Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT) has initiated the National Digital Library of India (NDLI) project to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility. 
• NAD maintains academic awards in an electronic depository which provides benefits to educational institutions, students and employers by enabling online access of academic awards; And also, eliminates the need for persons to approach educational institutions for obtaining transcripts of such awards or marks-sheets for verification.
• Open Government Data (OGD) portal is intended to be used by Government of India Ministries/ Departments their organizations to publish datasets, documents, services, tools and applications collected by them for public use.

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