The ‘e’ in e-Governance stands for ‘electronic’. Thus, e-Governance is basically associated with carrying out the functions and achieving the results of governance through the utilization of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Why countries around the world are increasingly opting for ‘e-Governance’? In the last few decades, the expectations of citizens from the government have increased manifold. ICT facilitates efficient storing and retrieval of information, instantaneous transmission of information, processing information & data faster than the earlier manual systems, speeding up governmental processes, taking decisions expeditiously & judiciously, increasing transparency, and enforcing accountability.

The primary purpose of governance is the welfare of citizens. While one aspect of governance relates to safeguarding the legal rights of all citizens, an equally important aspect is concerned with ensuring equitable access to public services and the benefits of economic growth to all. It is expected that e-governance would enable the government to discharge its functions more effectively and can be able to work with more transparency.

The National e-Governance Division (NeGD) is providing strategic direction in terms of framing policies and implementation strategy for the Digital India Programme in different domains of e-Governance. And also provides, proactive support to Central and State Governments for Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) and other e-Governance projects acting as a facilitator and catalyst for the implementation of the Digital India Program by various Ministries and State Governments.

The e-governance involves the use of ICTs by government agencies for any or all of the following reasons, as-

• Exchange of information with citizens, businesses, or other government departments.
• Speedier and more efficient delivery of public services.
• Improving internal efficiency.
• Reducing costs/increasing revenue.
• Re-structuring of administrative processes and improving the quality of services.

The goals of e-Governance are-

• Better service delivery to citizens.
• Ushering in transparency and accountability.
• Empowering people through information.
• Improved efficiency within Governments.
• Improve interface with business and industry.

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