Blogging is basically an online journal to express your views and ideas. It is a novel way through which you can reach out to millions.  There are many common blogs like WordPress, BlogSpot that cover all the dimensions of lifestyle, understanding subjects, sports, personality, youth, business, job, career guidance, psychological counselling, guidance, motivation, and much more. Popular blogs one must read, are- Digital inspiration, your story, Tech 2, Shout me loud, Save delete, Next big what, and many more.

There are many important benefits one can have while writing a blog-

• The blog are creative, innovative and expressive. So, blogs give us the way to learn new things, subjects and domains.
• We often find people who are searching for answers but still not able to get the right answer. So, if you write a blog you might easily get solutions to many problems that others may be facing.
• We often search a place where we can share our versions of thoughts, sentiments, and emotions. Blog is the right place to express without hesitation and fear.
• Blog is the best way to build up your own brand. You can be subject expert, knowledge treatise or powerhouse of a particular subject. While expressing continuous on any topic, you can become maestro of the same and this will give you a perfect brand image.
• The world is full of dynamic, charismatic and energetic people. Blog opens up ways through which one can be part of a big society, country or world. It can help you to meet new and interesting people.
Therefore, blogging is one of the best ways to get to others in term of knowledge, idea sharing, researches, finding or expressing the self in terms of politics, sports, life style and other important segments of life.

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