E-Repository tools are an important and essential part of the technology-enabled learning. E-Repository is an effective and adaptable device for putting away, arranging, sharing, seeking and utilizing learning materials. It is an instrument to interoperability alternatives, empowering and securing computerized content techniques. It is at the heart of the technology-enabled learning. The E-Repository incorporates consistently with the E-Learning devices. E-Repository makes it simple for your library to safely convey copyright-cleared substance to your student and personnel.

The Digital Library gives you E-Repository framework. It empowers the organization to deal with all its computerized learning assets in one spot while making them accessible to the e-learning devices and various types of teaching and learning. This isolates the administration of assets from the administration of e-learning courses. The learning assets can be reports, mixed media courses, sites join, video address, gifts, presentations, worksheets, podcasts, video cuts, flash liveliness, and other straightforward articles. On the other hand, they can be more unpredictable reproductions, contextual analyses, intelligent modules or short courses which contain many documents and have different learning ways.

Digital book is a computerized book. This book comprises content, pictures, or both, discernible on PCs or other electronic devices. Although, at times characterized as "an electronic rendition of a printed book", numerous e-books exist with no printed proportional. Industrially created and sold, e-books are generally planned to be perused on devoted tablets.

Advantages of E-books-

Speed- E-books are very advantageous. You can buy a book specifically online. It shows up on your smart screen and you can read it any time. You can buy a book whenever, day or night. There are no shipping costs.

Capacity- E-books are very handy. Any book that you have obtained online can undoubtedly be downloaded again so you never need to stress over losing a book, regardless of the fact that you lose your digital book per user.

Reading a digital book has certain focal points over using customary books. Instead of attempting to discover a paper book with huge content, you just make the content bigger on your gadget. You can change the textual style and the shade of the foundation in most gadgets as per your tastes.

Today PDF is an open standard kept up by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The organization has expanded throughout the years and now PDF documents can contain components including joins, structure fields, sound, and can be marked electronically to gather e-marks that are lawfully official. Access to PDF documents can be controlled with passwords and secured PDFs can be made in various office and efficiency applications.

Microsoft Word's local record arrangements are meant either by a .doc or .docx filename with extension. PPT [18] is a record expansion for a presentation document position utilized by Microsoft PowerPoint, the mainstream presentation programming ordinarily utilized for office and instructive slide appears.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a slide show presentation program. It is created by Microsoft. PowerPoint is valuable for building up the slide-based presentation arrange, and is as of now a standout amongst the most usually utilized presentation programs accessible

PPT is a document expansion for a presentation record group. It is utilized by Microsoft PowerPoint, the mainstream presentation programming regularly utilized for office and instructive slide appears. All content pictures, sound, and video utilized as a part of the presentation are contained in the PPT document. PPT records can be seen by PowerPoint, PowerPoint Viewer or the Open Office programming suite.

Following are some services commonly used for Online Reading:

• Slide Share
• Shelfari
• DocStock
• Freado
• Publication etc.

Following are 10 different sites where you can read books online:

• Project Gutenberg
• Internet Archive
• Open Library
• Google Books
• Smash words
• Blurb

Following are some electronic versions of traditional media:

• E-book
• Electronic journal
• Online magazine
• Online newspaper

Following are some new media which are commonly used at present:

• Blog
• Collaborative software
• Digital publication app
• File sharing
• Mobile apps
• Podcast
• Enhanced publication

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