The Learning Management System (LMS) may be defined in the user perspective as a virtual environment that aims to simulate face-to-face learning environments with the use of Information Technology. The LMS is enabled to integrate multiple media, different languages ​​& resources while enabling alternative technologies and presenting information in an organized manner to fulfil its main purpose which is the construction of learning through interaction. The well-planned and designed courses perform the key role in teaching-learning using LMS, which is necessary for e-learning quality.

In relation to quality standards in LMS, considering the development of information technology and the growing use of these LMS environments, the importance of identifying those that comply with minimum requirements arises. These requirements can be expressed in terms of reliability, scalability, security, sustainability, and adoption of international standards of quality. Reliability can be obtained through the experience of large universities in using virtual fields for face-to-face or distance education. 

There are several LMS (software) options available in the market including commercial or proprietary and free and open-source software. Some top rated LMS options are-  
BlackBoard (proprietary), Breeze, Moodle (Free and Open Source), plus dotLRN and the Sakai Project, etc.


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