• Vacuum Tubes- Vacuum tube is a device that controls electric current through a vacuum in a sealed container. Vacuum tubes contain electrodes for controlling electron flow in early computers that used them as a switch or an amplifier.
• Transistors- A transistor is a semiconductor device that regulates current or voltage flow and acts as a switch or gate for electronic signals.
• COBOL- COBOL is a high level programming language. It used to provide instructions to the computer to perform a specific task. Its full form is Common business-Oriented Language.
• FORTRAN- COBOL is a high level programming language. It used to provide instructions to the computer to perform a specific task. Its full form is Formula Translating System.
• Integrate Circuits- An integrated circuit is a set of electronic circuits on one small plate or chip, made of semiconductor material, normally silicon. There are thousands or millions of tiny resistors, capacitors, and transistors are fabricated on it.
• LAN, WAN and MAN- They are the types of networks established using digital computers. LAN is the Local Area Network which is created by connecting computers of an organization using wires. WAN is Wide Area Network created by connecting computers of two or more organizations in the same city using internet. 
• Virus- A computer virus is a malware program. It replicates itself into other computer programs, data files, or the boot sector of the hard drive.

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