The range of computer applications has penetrated each possible field.  Some of the key areas are - 

• Business- A computer performs faster calculations and provides accurate and reliable results which have made it possible to integrate with business organizations. Some of the areas where computer performs different roles are- Payroll calculations, Budgeting, Sales analysis, financial forecasting, and Managing employee database, Maintenance of stocks, etc.

• Education- Some of the key areas where computers are used are- student management systems, teaching tools, learning management systems, etc.

• Marketing/Advertising – Computers have revolutionized the advertisement industry where you can create art and graphics, write, revise and copy, and print and disseminate ads and sell more and more products.

• Banking- In this day and age, banking is mostly dependent on computers. Some of the  facilities provided using computers are − Online accounting facility, checking current balance, making deposits and overdrafts online, checking interest charges, ATM, shares, etc.

• Insurance- Insurance companies keep all the records up-to-date with the help of computers. Some of the other important functions are- amount calculation, customer MIS, maturity, etc.

• E-Learning-  Computers have bought a boom in the popularisation of e-learning. One can sit at home and enrich his/her learning with not just textual information but also pictorial and animated information which are easier to learn.

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